
The world of IT is always changing and growing. New things like computers and phones are always coming out. People need to be able to learn new stuff and be good at using what they know in real life. Having good grades is important, but gaining real-life experience is what connects what you learn in school to how things work in the IT industry. This experience helps people get closer to their dream IT jobs.

Bridging the Knowledge Gap

Universities and colleges teach students about IT concepts and principles. However, these places usually focus on learning things in books and not how to use them in real life. Internships, volunteering with IT groups, or doing your own IT internships can give you really helpful practical experience to go along with what you learn in school. By using actual technologies and solving real business problems, people learn more about how theoretical ideas work in real life.

For example, a student learning about networking may learn about different network rules in a classroom. However, while doing an IT internship where they set up and manage a company’s network, they get real-life experience with how to use those protocols. This helps them understand better and also helps them find and fix problems – something that employers really want.

Developing Essential Skills

In addition to knowing a lot about technology, actually doing things helps you learn important skills that are needed to succeed in IT. These skills can be put into different categories:

  • Technical Skills: When people have hands-on practice, they get better at their specific technical abilities like programming, running computer networks, keeping systems secure, or working with cloud technology. Working on actual projects helps you learn new things, try out different tools, and get really good at using them, more than just learning about them theoretically.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Problem-solving skills are important in IT because there are lots of problems and unexpected issues that come up in real-world IT jobs. Real-life experience helps people learn to think carefully, solve problems, and come up with good solutions. This experience helps people learn how to change and be creative, so they can deal with difficult situations well.
  • Communication Skills: Effective talking and listening are very important in IT. Real-life experience allows people to work together with their coworkers, explain technical ideas to those who don’t know much about them, and communicate solutions clearly. Good communication skills help everyone work together well, finish projects successfully, and act professionally.
  • Time Management Skills: Managing time is important for IT projects because they usually have deadlines and need to be managed well. Working on real projects helps people learn how to manage their time, decide what tasks are most important, and finish things on time. These skills are really important for handling lots of work and making sure projects are finished on time.

Standing Out from the Crowd

Finding a job in IT is hard because many qualified people are looking for the same jobs. Hands-on experience helps people stand out from others. A resume that shows not just school qualifications, but also relevant work experience is more impressive to employers.

In addition, getting real-world experience shows that you really like and care about the field. Employers like people who take the initiative to learn outside of school. During the interview, showing your dedication and commitment can really help you get your dream IT job.

Finding the Right Practical Experience

There are many ways to get real-world IT experience. Here are some ideas to think about:

  • IT Internships: IT internships are programs for students to get real experience in a professional setting. Internships let people work on real projects, learn from experienced people, and get a better understanding of how an IT department works. Many IT companies have internships in many different areas. This lets people learn more about their career goals.
  • Volunteer Work: Many non-profit groups need a lot of help with their computer systems. Volunteering for these organizations lets people use their skills in IT and gain experience in managing technology, helping users, or building websites.
  • Personal Projects: Individuals can make their own computer projects to learn new skills. This could mean making a website, creating a phone app, or setting up the internet at home. While these projects might not be exactly like the IT work at big companies, they show that the person takes initiative, can solve problems, and can learn new technology on their own.


In conclusion, having real-world experience is really important for anyone who wants to have a successful career in IT. Getting practical experience, like through IT internships, volunteering, personal projects, or open-source work, helps you connect what you learn in theory to the real world. This helps people learn important skills, make a good resume, and get ready for future job opportunities and leadership positions. In the fast-moving world of computers and technology, it’s important to keep learning new things. Actually doing the work helps people get better at it, and they meet others who can help them succeed in their careers.